This summer we have a total colour explosion. So, this time I decided ti try two colors together: green and pink. Green in my t.shirt and pink in the complements: belts, fluor bag, and the pink espadrilles decorated with strawerry. Go colour!
¡Muchísimas gracias por vuestros comentarios y disfrutad del fin de semana!
Thank you so much for your comments and enjoy this weekend!
Camiseta/T-shirt: Lefties (old)
Shorts: Stradivarius (old)
Cinturón/Belt: Suiteblanco (s/s 2013)
Bolso/Bag: Primark (s/s 2013)
Reloj/Watch: Swatch
Alpargatas/Espadrilles: Primark (s/s 2012)